skART (It's been a while)

I was forwarded a really nice video today and thought it was perfect for a new 'skART' post. I love how recycled this video is...just taking your mags, cutting them up and producing something else out of them. I'm so glad they stuck a nice chilled out song on this too, and some of the shots inbetween the sequences are pretty cool. It's funny watching this because when I go through skate mags I often try and scan sequence shots really really fast so it's like a gif image going through my brain...probably shouldn't of admitted that.

Skateboardanimation from Tilles Singer on Vimeo.

Skaters I've spotted in this video so far...Lem Villemin, MJ, Correy Duffel, Manny Santiago, Lance Mountain. I think the noseblunt with the sparkler is Garret Hill? Can you identify any others...or should this have been the second thing I shouldn't have disclosed in this very revealing blog post?


Last few tricks here are unreal.

ha again .. this ones even better

pretty impressive.. but still.


Im researching my top tricks post for the blog, which is probably allot easier and not as much of a big deal as I'm making it. But thats how I'm handling this challenge, so there! I figured that my favourite ever tricks will probably lie in older footage, you know, the stuff you saw when you were young, when you were starting to understand it all a bit better. The stuff which at the time just made you jump out of your seat and run out of the house with your board, there and then. I think thats part of my criteria for these tricks.

One of the video's I found on youtube which reminded me of that feeling was the one above. I remember seeing this for the first time and being blown away at the huge-ness of the tricks they were doing, I literally couldn't believe it. 'The End' in general is probably one of my favourite videos of all time, and something from it may well feature in my top tricks...hint hint.



These (I think) are my top 3 favouritest ever tricks by pros. I was going to say just my number one but any excuse to post up that jerry hsu or that bledsoe section! (again)

Right in at number 3. Jerry Hsu.

Although every trick in this part is unbelievable i think the one that i like the most is the Switch crooks pop over at 6:44. I dont know why its always just stayed in my mind. and thats what im judging this on.. anyway here is a little soundbite on the very same trick... number 7. (That sequence is unreal as well.)

Trick number 2 is quite similar actually in that its a grind to pop out. but this time its bledsoe with a back smith, and a very very long one at that! chaaaeeeeck it out at 2:14 That shit is unbelievable.

(also heres a little bonus bit of bledsoe steeeeez from barcelona )

Alrighty drum roll. my favourite ever trick ever.... its ARTO SAARI with his amazing fakie flip down macba... what the actual fuck, this is one of the most floaty things ever.. floatier than a cloud.. then the landing.. you can hear everyone everywhere stopping and taking a breath of air as if they'd all recognised a change in the force as that BOOSH noise echoed round the world.

check out the epicness of this first trick.
watch it twice.. watch it 5 times.. its a beast!!
actually every trick here is so flaty and steezy but that fakie flip .. oooof

(bonus arto footy.. how high is every trick here? )

I've asked tony what his favourite ever trick is too so maybe he'll post his up when he decides :)

Nesser on Ipath

Steve Nesser now rides ipath and his introducing video from them is real tasty...

Also...random Steve Nesser fact...his sister is married to that douchebag from green day.

Make Friends WIth The Colour Blue

MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE COLOUR BLUE trailer. from Blueprint Skateboards on Vimeo.

Really looking forward to seeing Blueprints latest video, coming in April. It has been a while since they have put out a full length, but it will have been worth the wait I'd say. They also have a re-vamped website to co-incide with the new video.

Chicken Bone Nowison!

If you watch this I'm pretty sure you'll be singing the track in your head, as ridiculous as it is.


rick mcrank

brilliant..i would well buy this board


boooooosch deserved self props -- i would be psyced as fuck.

New Vincent Alvarez Lakai advert

Em....Holy fuck.

Cory Kennedy, what the shit. Ten minutes, of jaw dropping shit. I still need to pick mine up off the floor.

What trick doesn't he have (or do)?! Can't believe he's still only am...probably not for long though, going by this.


I rolled my ankle really badly on sunday... its swollen and i can't walk... I look like a before and after for getting rid of cankles!
seriously sucks being injured, that's my conclusion.