Random (and great) Irish shit

Grill skilled Mars from secs on Vimeo.

PooPoo from secs on Vimeo.

I was in a bad mood until I watched these vids from SECS films. That was about two hours ago though, so I'm in a bad mood again...I should probably just watch these videos again?

Some little ripper on Habitat

haha tony did you watch the welcome back video on krew? haha aw such cheese man. like hes died or something.


Its real good to see him back, no footage but its a good sign!
Welcome back Ali!

P.s. Flips gotta new site, go check it out.

Heroin Update

Heroin Skateboards have had a new site up for a week or so but I only found out (and was so excited and tired at the same time that I sent them an ass kissing email like the twat I am) but Im letting you know now.

That post about Fos tattooing someone got me thinking who i'd like to have tattoo me...if I was into tattoos.

Some quality new products up on the page, go have a look www.heroinfuckinrips.com

sebo walker.

found him on the bang yoself honorable mentions. but hes on element flow now.

270 kickflip.

Chris Cole

Finally a bit of Street League footage without Rob D spitting shite all over it. Still a crap song on this mind you...I'd recommend muting and playing some sabbath or something.

Monster Energy's Chris Cole Qualifies First and Raises the Bar at 2010 Street League Finals in Las Vegas from Skeleton Crew on Vimeo.

Annihilation, total annihilation.

A Sweet Tweet

I follow allot of skate companies and skaters on shitter (pro, am etc) and whats great is when wee videos (like above) and slices of info get posted that you would probably never see. Great for all the skate nerds out there.

Some funny/frequent/interesting skate-tweeters are; Chico, Tim O'Conner, Kelly Hart, Koston, The Getz, Jim Thiebaud, Biebel (lacking lately though), Billy Marks, Nugget, Daniel Castillo. Thats just a few, I can't think of more just right now, but its so easy to work your way through shitter and find loads more.

The best are the skate mags and blogs though, they all got shitter and it means you're usually seeing the stuff earlier than you usually would. Downside is that with all these brands, mags and skaters tweeting...you get distracted allot.

A Sweet Tweet

I follow allot of skate companies and skaters on shitter (pro, am etc) and whats great is when wee videos (like above) and slices of info get posted that you would probably never see. Great for all the skate nerds out there.

Some funny/frequent/interesting skate-tweeters are; Chico, Tim O'Conner, Kelly Hart, Koston, The Getz, Jim Thiebaud, Biebel (lacking lately though), Billy Marks, Nugget, Daniel Castillo. Thats just a few, I can't think of more just right now, but if you do want to know a few more, just ask.

The best are the skate mags and blogs though, they all got shitter and it means you're usually seeing the stuff earlier than you usually would. Downside is that with all these brands, mags and skaters tweeting...you get distracted allot.

Elephant Direct

http://www.colormagazine.ca/features/post/118/now-live This is only live for a week or something (I read that somewhere). Some great skating in here, that natural quarterpipe spot is unbeleivalbe!


This is kind of old news now, and I'm sure you've already witnessed this mind-blowing feat, but it's worth posting.
Nothing more needs said here.

Telegraph Skateboards

I'm really feeling Brian Lotti's new company, Telegraph. Spent a good bit sifting through their site, some really nice videos. The company is certainly refreshing, it's hard to try and place them, which I think is great.

Brian Lotti is awesome if you didn't already know...

Nice interview here...

This is a small bit of artwork I found on the blog on their site, thought it was pretty cool.

www.telegraphskateboards.com I highly recommend you pay a visit.

p.s. It's raining today, hence me being indoors watching a shit tonne of skate videos.

LA Cliche promo vid

LA CLICHÉ PROMO 2010 from Cliché Skateboards on Vimeo.

Love how they've gone to the effort to change the colours on the vimeo stuff to yellow. Works better on their actual site though, i know.

Really liked this promo, not keen on the first song and some of the camera work felt shakey, but I can't but help think it was supposed to be. They're mad into that lens flare shit aren't they, allot of this has like blurred edges, I'm not sure what I make of it.

This promo however is certainly worth a watch...that backside flip yer fellah Flo Mirtain (sp?) throws down over that green rail is epic.


Altamont East Coast Skate Rock tour video by Ty Evans from Altamont Apparel on Vimeo.

This tour looked pretty bad ass. 20mins well spent watching this I thought. Interesting to see Ty working with other skate teams. He's clearly a videographer in demand.


White washed him. Saw a glimmer of the old PJ. Lets have this video part.


had another rubbish on my own skate today. landed 1 bs 360 out of 100 which is a 100% increase in bs 360 landings.hopefully next time ill get to 200%. decided best way to do them is think of a normal ollie but turn 360. no fancy foot placements otherwise the board goes off everywhere else rather than under your feet. still though a massively frustrating day as i have lost my bs flips fs flips and realised that i will never be able to nollie heel properly because of when i fucked my ankle... i know this is just spiel but im in that sort of mood.


Back in the day, turning my homework diary into an undercover skate mag. I wasn't checkin my homework, I was reading old skate mags fool!

this is really cool

Es are celebrating like 15 years of makin shoes and shit. They have this archival website up and running and are up to 2005. Have a looksee.


Side note: good use of weird domain endings right here.

Mr. John Motta

I didn't really ever know or had seen much of Skate Mental's John Motta, until I read his interview in last months Thrasher mag. It was really good and he seems like a cool guy, doing his own thing in Phoenix Arizona, finding and making spots using google earth (to find the spots, not make the spots, that'd be some mad technology!).

Really like this part, interesting spots and lines. I felt with this part, the skating progressed with each trick or line. Feels a bit more 'him' than the part below, if you get me?

His part from AM Chowder, again, really good stuff but this one has allot more 'normal' spots, think allot of this was filmed on tour.

Skate Film Festival

So over the last few days, LA has seen the first annual skate film festival. This is a great thing for skateboarding as it will help promote the genre further as an art form, can act as a springboard for current skateboarding film makers to possibly get into other types of film making, and it should also inspire the younger generations to raise the bar higher in future years.

It would be nice (and I think also inevitable) to see a similar festival take place in the UK/Europe, even though I know there is an international category within this film festival already.

Check out the website here and have a look at the winners and nominees!

Element - Get Busy Living

I don't know if this was previously posted (ain't the newest of skate flicks) but I luckily got a free copy of Element Europes' Get Busy Living on DVD. Stoked off this because I tried to watch it online (its free and here) but my internets a bit crappy. Plus having it on dvd means I will have it forevzzzz and I can watch it on a big-ass tv, which is always better than watching online.

From the trailer it's looking pretty good...I did watch a couple parts from it already but can't remember much. Always enjoy Euro team videos!

Nate Broussard

This is an alternate version of some part of his...dont know which one but you know, so what. Steeze on thon.

(STAY GOLD update: still not seen it yet, my friend hasn't received...hoping tomorrow. Thats what you get for living off the mainland)


definitely one of my favorite parts from the STAY GOLD video. (which demands capital letters at all times) but just noticed what he wears in the video is different to this pic when hes doin this trick... as if he did it twice.