DC Skate and Create

Ignore that video below. Here is a link to the transworld site with the video in full glory, not half of it.


Think I will start just posting links as half a video is pointless! Please note...my opinions from the previous post are still the same!

1 comment:

  1. i love the nose bonk. dead cheeky, i disagree though i think it is very creative, i get where your comin from about being sentimental, and dc have been fightin the love park battle for years obviously, but i think they're merely references as opposed to recreations of the spots and i think the theme they chose of "in the city" relies upon the references to function, plus i think it incorporates a lot of what the dc brand is about, at least more than what wood is to dvs. Although saying that i prefer the dvs one, and think urban in the city shit etc. is well overdone in skateboarding in my opinion anyway. Probably that. or probably that we've just not had a proper discussion about the skateboarding biz for a while and i feel a little empty inside.
